There are a lot of reasons why people these days are looking for an alternative to ebay. But, by and large, those reasons come down to money. Ebay simply is not the old game that it used to be and by that I mean that auctions come with fees. Oh sure you can still make good money in most cases on Ebay, but if you don't know what you are doing or can't afford to see a lot of items go unsold, then you can get killed in ebay fees.

In the old days you didn't have to pay to list your auction, you would simply pay a percentage of the final sale price. However, those days are not any longer. Instead you have to pay for every listing whether the item sells or not. For that reason I have begun looking for an ebay alternative. I started my search online and found a few sites to try out.

At first I was a little disappointed that many of my items were not finding buyers. But after a little more trial and error, I realized the error of my ways. I learned how to sell on these ebay alternatives and because of that I have been making some good money.

So, I encourage my readers to look for ebay alternatives if the fees are killing your margins. Trust me it is worth it.
One of the most common questions that I get concerns how to sell stuff online and these types of questions often have similiar answers. The simple answer is that it is not especially difficult to sell things online. All you need to do is go to ebay. They make it easy to open an account and start an auction online. The only thing about ebay is that many people find they end up selling the item for less than they paid for it.

Then the secret becomes finding the right things to sell on ebay to bring in the maximum amount of revenue. I have not found that there are really any such super items that will really bulk up your auction profits. The only thing that I really know to be true is that you can't make money unless you sell something for more than you paid for it, in which case you really need to focus on getting items more cheaply than you would have thought possible.

There are a couple of ways to do this and I will be talking about them at length on this website. One of the main ways that I recommend for getting super cheap products is to begin to work with a wholesaler which will give you the opportunity to pay wholesale for items rather paying retail. Again, there is no secret type of items to sell on ebay that will get you the most money. But be smart and buy cheap. That's really the only goal.